Forum for the common goods and for the joint and several economy of Friuli Venezia Giulia


“The Forum for the common good and for the joint and several economy of Friuli Venezia Giulia” aims to be a “place” of contact and relationship between all associations, realities and bodies, citizens who, for various reasons, have the principles and objectives set out below at hearth:

  1. Solidarity, understood as a commitment to removing the barriers of economic and social order, and as a tool for the promotion of individuals and society, as enshrined in our Constitution;
  2. The inalienable recognition of the common goods, defined as those resources and services that express functional utilities to the exercise of the fundamental rights, such as the free development of the individual and the community and, therefore, must be guaranteed;
  3. Respect and protection of the landscape and the environment in a perspective of ecological sustainability, especially in the use of resources; the ecological reconversion of economy and society;
  4. New way to define and organize society, work, consumption, production, trade, money and technology; overcoming of the “develop mentalist” paradigm and unlimited growth; new relationships between producers and consumers based on the principles of proximity, reciprocity and cooperation;
  5. New ways of living inspired by the principles of proximity, shared responsibility, reciprocity, plurality, respect for diversity, freedom, equality, equity, ethics;
  6. The principle of subsidiarity, as the basis of different forms of organization that communities/populations take to create an autonomous path of coexistence;
  7. Justice and respect for people (working conditions, health, education, social inclusion, transparency, safeguard of the essential goods) and for communities;
  8. The right of local communities to manage local public services and common goods in a participatory and democratic way;
  9. Interactions with the global economy in a compatible way with the principles set out above, even in a perspective of overcoming of the present financialization of the economy;
  10. Formation and employment of earnings in a compatible way with the principles set out above;


The objectives of the Forum are:

  • The promotion of a culture based on the principles of the joint and several Economy and of Community;
  • The promotion of new models of civic, economic and social experimentation;
  • the establishment of territorial, economic and social realities pursuing the realization of the principles of cooperation, solidarity and reciprocity, exploitation of the territory, social and ecological sustainability and the promotion of synergy between the existing ones;
  • raising the awareness of local administrators, so that on the regional territory multiply good practices of joint and several Economy.