ANTEAS Statute

Associazione Nazionale Tutte le Età Attive per la Solidarietà

National Association of All Active Ages for Solidarity

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region



1 Section


  1. It is set up the Associazione Nazionale Tutte le Età Attive per la Solidarietà – National Association of All Active Ages for Solidarity(ANTEAS), a non-profit social organization (NPO) of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, hereinafter called Regional Association, formed by the regularly constituted Provincial Associations and by individuals who operate to promote solidarity, social integration, the development of the Voluntary Service culture at the local and regional level.
  2. The Association is regulated by this statute and it acts within the limits of the law 266/91, the regional law n°12/95, and the legislative decree n ° 460 of the 4.12.1997 and the general principles of the legal system.
  3. The Association is based:

–     on sharing situations of need of the person – in particular the elderly, at the same time protagonist, emphasizing the subjectivity and their role in society – and the social groups, even in the developing countries;

–      on the selflessness and the gratuitousness in the activities and in the provision of services, without any exploitation and in respect of the human, cultural, spiritual and religious dimension of the person;

–     on the political necessity of reporting situations of injustice and struggle to remove the causes which generate social exclusion and discrimination circuits, through a meticulous work of prevention and a constant search for new forms of intervention;

–     on the need to pursue, through the method of non-violence and education for development and peace, the conditions for the effective liberation of man;

–     on a direct engagement in civil and the willingness to form collaborations with public initiative and with social forces that do not violate the statutory purposes, the originality and the independent cultural voluntary organizations and groups’ cultural heritage.

  1. The contents and the structure of the Association are democratic. It promotes, aggregates, support and connects groups and voluntary organizations, which are the concrete expression of the free citizens’ initiative and is self-managed.
  2. It is a non-partisan and non-profit Association and it places as the exclusive pursuit that of social solidarity’s goals; it has an unlimited duration, it has its head office in Udine and it adheres to the National ANTEA.


2 Section

(Aims and purposes)

The Regional Association is committed to carry out the following activities:

–        social security and national health insurance;

–        health care;

–        charity;

–        education;

–        formation;

–        amateur sport;

–        protection, promotion and making the most of  things of artistic and historic interest;

–        protection and exploitation of nature and environment;

–        promotion of culture and art;

–        protection of civil rights;

–        direct or indirect assistance to persons considered “vulnerable subjects”, encouraging processes of integration even through the application of the Support Administration institute, in the article 404 and following of the Civil Code. The term “weak” means persons who, because of illness or a physical or mental disability or for other reasons, are partially or temporally unable to provide for their own interests.


  1. The Regional Association has the following purposes:

–     to operate for the promotion and the defence of human rights;

–     to be committed to increase the awareness of the citizens on the duties of National and International solidarity;

–     to promote a voluntary service where all the citizens are protagonists, designed to seek out and realize what is needed for a new company project;

–     to stimulate the process of democratization of public facilities and the proper functioning also in order to avoid an hypothetical role of substitution of the voluntary service;

–     to contribute to the development of a pluralistic community in which the social members can see recognized by the State and other public authorities of freedom and action;

–     to support the cultural growth, the coordination of the action and the operational effectiveness of voluntary organizations;

–     to connect and to represent the provincial and territorial Associations members at the regional level;

–     to take direct initiatives of local and regional level for the development and the implementation of a civil community.