
Among the actions carried out more recently it seems appropriate to mention the following:


  • NONOS Project, promoted by Azienda per i Servizi Sanitari 5 – Company for Health Services 5 “Basso Friuli” for reduction of institutionalization of the elderly person (2003-2006) in collaboration with Regional MOVI and the Diocesan Caritas of Udine;
  • Activities to promote home care and support of the elderly person with light services to the person in the San Daniele area, in collaboration with the socio relief scope, the municipality of San Daniele, the regional Movi and some local charities (Caritas, AVULSS) – since 2004;
  • Supporting actions for the representatives of the Voluntary Service to the thematic tables of Codroipo’s area, in collaboration with the various associations and the referred socio relief scope – since 2005;
  • Activities to promote home care and support for the elderly person in the carnic area in collaboration with the ASS3 “alto Friuli”;
  • Accompanying the establishment of centres and meeting places run by volunteers in the communes of Lestizza, Ronchi dei Legionari, Cercivento and San Vito di Fagagna;
  • Presence of the Voluntary Service in formation activities in the areas of Cividale, Alto Isontino, Basso Isontino, Codroipo and Cervignano.
  • Presence as signatory of the programme agreements in the areas of San Daniele del Friuli, Codroipo, Carnia and Cervignano.


Main realized projects


Since 2002, ANTEAS, has received continuously funds on the basis of various bans related to the Regional Law 12/95 and to the CSV Interprovincial among which we would report some interventions. In addition, since 2002 it has also received funds based on the Regional Law 17/2008.


Year Sponsor local authority Amount of the grant and/or loan Project/activity
From 2003 to 2006 FVG Region (trough the ASS5) 179.500,00 € NONOS project/citizenship’ paths
From 2005 to 2006 FVG Region 10.788,00 € Networks that support/activation of community paths supporting the elderly population
From 2007 to 2008 FVG Region 10.055,18 € Seniors on the mountain/ aggregation and socialization of the elderly in mountain areas
From 2008 to 2009 CSV FVGFNP CISL 7.850,00 €8.000,00 € Active retired person/research
2010 CSV FVG 6.107,00 € Design together
2011 CSV FVG 15.640,00 € Comfortable facilities/structures
2012 CSV FVG 12.000,00 € A new home care for the elderly